Gary Lelonek, MD
Board Certified Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Dr. Lelonek specializes in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. He treats mood disorders, anxiety, OCD, ADHD and psychotic disorders. His areas of expertise are in the treatment of trauma, self-destructive and suicidal behaviors. He enjoys working with families and incorporates a Torah hashkafa into his practice of psychiatry. Dr. Lelonek obtained his medical degree at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He is currently a pediatric psychiatrist in the Emergency Department of Northwell Health’s Cohen Children’s Medical Center, and is an assistant professor of psychiatry, pediatrics, and emergency medicine at the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra University, where he teaches the Behavioral Health Emergencies lecture to the first-year medical student class. At Northwell Health, he teaches and mentors medical students and psychiatry residents. He conducts research on the use of mobile applications for safety planning for adolescents with suicidal thoughts. Dr. Lelonek is on the medical advisory board of the non-profit organization Amudim, which serves Jewish community members in times of crisis.